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Up Next in S2: Latitudes & Attitudes TV

  • LATV S2:17: Advanced Cruising Seminar

    Bob’s annual event in Redondo Beach, CA. Cruising feature: Lats & Atts welcomes back Captain Woody to L.A. (6:07) as he completes his circumnavigation. Woody discusses his voyage with video clips and stills. Sailing Tip from Capt. Jack Klang. Bob's Attitudes.

  • LATV S2:18: Annapolis Boat Show

    From the U.S. Sailboat Show in Annapolis, MD, the oldest in-the-water boat show in the U.S. Features sailing in the Mediterranean to Sardinia with Paul & Sheryl Shard of the Distant Shores TV show. Other segments include Underway photos from cruisers around the world; a sailing tip on reefing the...

  • LATV S2:19: Great Lakes 1

    Sailing the fresh waters of Lake Michigan out of Traverse City. Feature: riding out Hurricane Isabelle on the Chesapeake Bay. Other segments include Underway photos from cruisers around the world; a sailing tip on the proper way to jibe with Capt. Jack Klang; and Bob's "Attitudes" monologue.