Latitudes & Attitudes TV

Latitudes & Attitudes TV

5 Seasons

TheSailingChannel.TV brings you seasons 1 through 5, sixty-five 22-minute episodes - nearly 24 hours in all. Bob Bitchin's co-hosts include Courtney Haas and Zuzana Prochazka.

Latitudes & Attitudes TV made history with its 5-year run as the first half-hour sailing series on national cable television.

Feature stories take you to international sailing destinations throughout the South Pacific, Mediterranean, Caribbean, Mexico, Canada, and United States. The magazine-style program includes gear reviews from prominent Sailboat Shows, sailboat reviews, and special sailing events. Each episode contains photos from Lats & Atts cruising fans set to the music of Eric Stone, and a wrap-up with some salty comments with Bob Bitchin's "Attitudes".

The series includes seasons 1 through 5: sixty-five 22-minute episodes - nearly 24 hours of viewing in all.

NOTE: In 2019, Bob Bitchin reclaimed rights to the trade name “Latitudes & Attitudes” (lost during a business dispute some years back.) His current magazine, Cruising Outpost has reverted to its original name: Latitudes & Attitudes Magazine – the best selling nautical publication on U.S. newsstands and in marine stores.

NOTE: In 2021, Bob sold Latitudes and Attitudes to Kylemedia that operates the Marine Ad Network and Great Lakes Scuttlebutt. Bob will continue in an emeritus status and attend boat shows and other events representing Latitudes & Attitudes.

Latitudes & Attitudes TV
  • LATV S2:14: Tonga 1

    From the Kingdom of Tonga in the South Pacific. Features arriving, provisioning, and setting out. Other segments include Sailing Tips with Capt. Jack Klang, Underway photos from cruisers around the world, and Bob's "Attitudes" monologue.

  • LATV S2:15: Tonga 2

    Further adventures of cruising the Kingdom of Tonga in the South Pacific. Other segments include cruising to the Isle of Menorca in the Mediterranean with Paul & Sheryl Shard of the Distant Shores TV series - the most eastern of Spain's Balearic Islands; a sailing tip with Capt. Jack Klang; Under...

  • LATV S2:16: Long Beach

    In this episode, we tour the Long Beach, California Municipal Marina in Los Angeles. It's the largest municipal marina in the U.S. Features cruising in the South Pacific to the island of Bora Bora and a cruising couple in Mexico. Other segments include sailor Alex Dorsey starting his circumnavig...

  • LATV S2:17: Advanced Cruising Seminar

    Episode 4

    Bob’s annual event in Redondo Beach, CA. Cruising feature: Lats & Atts welcomes back Captain Woody to L.A. (6:07) as he completes his circumnavigation. Woody discusses his voyage with video clips and stills. Sailing Tip from Capt. Jack Klang. Bob's Attitudes.

  • LATV S2:18: Annapolis Boat Show

    From the U.S. Sailboat Show in Annapolis, MD, the oldest in-the-water boat show in the U.S. Features sailing in the Mediterranean to Sardinia with Paul & Sheryl Shard of the Distant Shores TV show. Other segments include Underway photos from cruisers around the world; a sailing tip on reefing the...

  • LATV S2:19: Great Lakes 1

    Sailing the fresh waters of Lake Michigan out of Traverse City. Feature: riding out Hurricane Isabelle on the Chesapeake Bay. Other segments include Underway photos from cruisers around the world; a sailing tip on the proper way to jibe with Capt. Jack Klang; and Bob's "Attitudes" monologue.

  • LATV S2:20: Cruiser's Weekend - Catalina Island

    The annual cruise-in on Southern California's Catalina Island. Features Vancouver Island, B.C. and coastal sailing off of North Carolina. Other segments include Underway photos from cruisers around the world; a sailing tip on flaking the main with Capt. Jack Klang; a boat show review of the Filte...

  • LATV S2:21: Tonga 3

    Sailing a catamaran with Captain Woody in the South Pacific Island Kingdom of Tonga. Features the Intracoastal Waterway from Norfolk VA to Ft. Lauderdale FL with solo circumnavigator, Alex Dorsey and flying an ultralight on the Hawaiian Island of Maui. Other segments include Underway photos from ...

  • LATV S2:22: St. Pete Boat Show

    From St. Petersburg, FL, the Strictly Sail Boat Show. Features Sicily with sailors, Paul & Sheryl Shard of Distant Shores TV, a custom built Colvin 49 steel motor cruiser, and World of Boating Radio. Other segments include Underway photos from cruisers around the world; a sailing tip on crew over...

  • LATV S2:23: N.A.R.C. 2005

    The annual North American Rally to the Caribbean from Newport, RI to Bermuda. Other segments include Around Vancouver Island as Ed & Wendy Isenhart continue their cruise from Bull Harbor; Underway photos from cruisers around the world; "Buccaneer Days" at Two Harbors on Southern California's Cata...

  • LATV S2:24: BVI Sailtime

    SailTime’s inaugural Novice to Captain event in the British Virgin Islands. Features four-time circumnavigator and author, Webb Chiles. Other segments include Underway photos from cruisers around the world; a sailing tip on docking singlehanded with Capt. Jack Klang; a boat review with John Krets...

  • LATV S2:25: Tonga 4

    The sailing adventure in the South Pacific Island Kingdom of Tonga ends with the International Cruiser’s Party. Features the Tongan Mounu Island Resort. Other segments include Underway photos from cruisers around the world; a sailing tip on backing out of a slip singlehanded with Capt. Jack Klang...

  • LATV S2:26: Great Lakes 2

    Running from a storm on Lake Michigan. Features sailing to ancient Malta in the Mediterranean with Paul & Sheryl Shard of Distant Shores TV. Other segments include Underway photos from cruisers around the world; a sailing tip on how to lasso a piling with Capt. Jack Klang; a boat review with John...