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TRAILER - Ep. 8: Finishing 3 (HD)

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SERIES TRAILER: Sail Vicarious

Free Trailers & Videos • 1m 28s

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  • TRAILER - Ep. 8: Finishing 3 (HD)

    On deck, Sandra builds the hatch frames, hinges, and dogs to batten them down, then adds the Lexan lenses. She builds and installs several mushroom vents into the deck for ventilation, attaches safety hooks for harnesses in foul weather, cuts out the hole for the mast and adds parallel bung rails...

  • TRAILER - Ep. 6: Finishing Begins

    Sandra builds winch mounts out of scrap steel pipe for the large, Lewmar 55 main winches and finishes off the back of the pilot house. Sandra builds and installs the fuel tanks, and makes chain plates. They weld up a metal door frame for the forward sail locker bulkhead and install two more cabin...

  • TRAILER - Ep. 9: Finishing 4 (HD)

    Sandra builds the cockpit steering station and adds more deck vents including a chimney for the diesel cabin heater. Next she and Gina fabricate the transom radar arch from steel tubing, add mounts for hand rail and life line stanchions, and hawse holes for mooring lines. Next Sandra starts build...