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Zaca: 1933 Templeton Crocker Scientific Expedition

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Tahiti and Bora Bora with Hal and Margaret Roth

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  • Zaca: 1933 Templeton Crocker Scientif...

    A short film by Luther Greene.
    In the spring of 1933, Templeton Crocker and a team of scientists sailed his schooner, Zaca across the Pacific from San Francisco, California to the Solomon islands. There, they visited two outlying isolated islands: Rennell and Bellona. Basically untouched by wes...

  • Errol Flynn: Crucero en el Zaca (Crui...

    A short film by Errol Flynn.
    Flynn purchased the Zaca after WWII and restored her as his private party yacht. Flynn directed and narrated this documentary filmed along the east coast of Mexico in 1952. His father was marine scientist and is along on this voyage to do some ocean research. Prior ...