Voyages of Entr'acte: The Partnership

Voyages of Entr'acte: The Partnership

A film by Ed and Ellen Zako.
The Partnership is a story of love and friendship, discovery and improbability. Ellen and Ed Zacko met while playing in the orchestra of a Broadway musical and hatched a scheme to take a temporary brake from the hectic New York scene and explore the world together. Their adventure aboard a Nor Sea 27 foot sloop led them to discover a different side of life that would change their lives forever.

Entr'acte - The musical interlude performed between two acts of a play.
Join Ellen and Ed on a seven year saga: three years to build Entr'acte and four years to sail her - from a stormy Atlantic crossing to the tranquil French canals. Join them as they explore the Mediterranean then follow the trade winds on their return to the Caribbean and sail up the U.S. east coast to home.

The Zackos draw upon their musical and show business background to combine over 800 slides with original music and snappy narrative, creating a highly entertaining multimedia experience.

Also see Voyage of Entr`acte: The San Blas Islands and the Panama Canal.

Voyages of Entr'acte: The Partnership
  • Voyages of Entr'acte: The Partnership

    A film by Ed and Ellen Zako.
    The Partnership is a story of love and friendship, discovery and improbability. Ellen and Ed Zacko met while playing in the orchestra of a Broadway musical and hatched a scheme to take a temporary brake from the hectic New York scene and explore the world together. T...
