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Sail Repair: Pt 3 - Leech Line, Apply Tapes

Playlist: Sail Repair with Wally Moran • 10m

Up Next in Playlist: Sail Repair with Wally Moran

  • Sail Repair: Pt 4 - Leech Line, Sew T...

    At a local marina, Wally uses the Sailrite LSZ-1 sewing machine to secure the repair tape for the new leech pocket on his backup mainsail. Wally uses manual mode since this is the first time he's used the machine and want's to take it slow.

  • Sail Repair: Pt 5 - Bend on Sail

    In the final episode, Wally examines the repairs he's made to the mainsail now bent onto his Dufour 34 sloop, "Gypsy Wind". He describes the steps in the repair process and gives us his review of the Sailrite machine. Wally then motors "Gypsy Wind" out into the creek and hoists the repaired main ...