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TRAILER: Transatlantic with Street

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TRAILER - Lin & Larry Pardey Videos

Free Trailers & Videos • 2m 56s

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  • TRAILER: Transatlantic with Street

    A film by Gavin Shaw
    One of the first sailing documentaries shot on video.
    Classic Atlantic ocean 5,000 mile tradewind passage shot in 1986 aboard noted sailor/author Don Street's 1905 engineless 44 foot yawl, Iolaire. Documents Iolair's ninth Atlantic crossing from Ireland, with eleven ocean i...

  • TRAILER: Kon-Tiki

    A film by Thor Heyerdahl (B&W)
    1951 Academy-Award for Best Documentary.
    The classic film about Thor Heyerdahl's 1947 adventure voyage spanning 4,300 nautical miles across the Pacific Ocean aboard a balsawood raft. Expedition members: Thor Heyerdahl, Herman Watzinger, Erik Hesselberg.

  • TRAILER - C'era una volta un'isola ta...

    Un film di Antoine Muraccioli, celebrità francese e velista mondiale.
    Attenzione, il film completo contiene brevi scene di nudità non sessuale.
    Antoine ti porta in un tour intimo di Tahiti e delle Isole Sottovento - l'iconica destinazione polinesiana del Sud Pacifico per avventurosi marinai di ac...